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Minecraft Service Description

Technical Delivery Details - Minecraft


Order your Minecraft server from here: Minecraft Hosting

Docker Containers

We utilize Docker containers to deploy our Minecraft services. This ensures isolation, security, and ease of management for each Minecraft server.

Control Panel

Users are provided with a modified version of the Pterodactyl control panel. This enhanced panel is feature-rich, offering the following:

  • WebFTP & SFTP Access: Although the integrated WebFTP has a 100MB file size limitation, users can always rely on SFTP for transferring larger files. Connection details for SFTP are readily available within the control panel.

  • One-Click Installers: Easily set up modpacks and different Minecraft versions with a single click.

  • Subdomain Manager: Manage subdomains seamlessly without leaving the control panel.

  • Server Splitter: For our 16GB and 32GB plans, users can split their servers up to 10 times.

  • Server Importer: Transition from another hosting service or just moving files from another SFTP? Use our server importer to move your data with minimal effort.

  • Manual Backups: Every plan comes with the capability to store up to 3 manual backups, ensuring data safety.

Memory Allocation & SWAP

We have allocated additional SWAP memory for overhead, so the JVM (Simply put "The Java process running the server") will operate freely and thus avoiding OOM / out of memory / Errors. Here's a breakdown of our memory allocation per plan:

  • 32GB Plan: 4GB SWAP
  • 16GB Plan: 3GB SWAP
  • 10GB Plan: 3GB SWAP
  • 6GB RAM Plan: 2GB SWAP
  • 4GB RAM Plan: 2GB SWAP
  • 2GB RAM Plan: 1GB SWAP

Backups and Redundancy

Our servers' disks are in RAID 1 or RAID 10, meaning that if a disk fails, no data will be lost as the data is copied in real-time to more than 1 disk. We provide automatic backups for each service, which run once a day. They are stored on a separate server and kept for up to 2 days. Additionally, each plan comes with the ability to store up to 3 manual backups that you can control.

CPU Allocation


Each server has access to a X amount of the CPU cores. Each core represent 100% CPU usage. So if you see 200% CPU usage, that means that the server is using 2 cores at 100% each.


Resource Distribution

We utilize different types of processors. Like

  • Ryzen 7 5800X, Ryzen 9 5900X
  • Xeon 2388G, Xeon 2386G

They all have the same Single-Core performance, thus, no matter what processor you get, you will get the same performance. When an order is being fulfilled, automatic process triggers service creation on a node that has enough dedicated resources for the plan you choose.