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MOTD & Server Icon

Message of the Day (MOTD)

"Message of the Day" refers to the two lines displayed to a player when they add a server to their server list in Minecraft. It can be changed in several ways, which we will explore.


Changing via the File

The easiest way to change the MOTD is through the file. The option is located on line #12 and appears as follows: motd=A Minecraft Server

My Advice

Use the Minecraft Server Tools website to create MOTD more easily!

Changing via Plugins: ServerListPlus or MiniMOTD

Changing the MOTD through a plugin adds more functionality and easier editing.

[Learn how to change MOTD using ServerListPlus]

[Learn how to change MOTD using MiniMOTD]

Server Icon (server-icon)

The server icon is an image displayed to a player when they add a server to their server list in Minecraft. It can be changed by adding a file to the server's main directory.

To set a server icon, you need to upload a file with the following characteristics to the server's main directory: image size 64x64 pixels, format .png, and the name server-icon.png.