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Be Aware of What You're Doing (1/6)

This is a guide of best practices and tricks for managing and administering a public/community Minecraft server. The advice here can be applied to both smaller and larger servers. Their aim is to help you find direction and learn to solve your problems independently or by finding the right place to seek assistance.

The articles in this category are expertly selected and written by individuals with years of experience in the management, administration, and leadership of public Minecraft servers with an established player base.

If you believe you have the experience and expertise to help us develop the articles we have in this area, do not hesitate to contact us!

Consider Your Ideas

Before you start adding any of your new ideas to the server, it's a good idea to consider how this idea would impact the other things that are already added to the server. For example, how will this affect the gameplay, the players, perhaps making it easier or more challenging. Of course, these are just sample questions, but there's nothing stopping you from thinking of more based on your personal needs or those of the server.

Be Open to Others' Opinions

An essential factor in managing a public Minecraft server is being open to others' opinions. This means that sometimes it's good to listen to what players think. Yes, it's true that not every opinion will be good or applicable, but it shows that you're willing to consider others' ideas.

Also, I'll note that your Minecraft server is your own world, and you decide how to manage it.

Consult with Players and Your Team

Sometimes, when you need advice on implementing a particular idea, it's good to consult with someone else. You can't always anticipate all the ways a change could affect your server.

That's why it's a good practice to consult with your players and your staff team. Of course, you can prioritize whose opinion matters most to you. Personally, I would advise you to seek input from honest players who have a good and well-established reputation on your server.

Conduct Surveys

Surveys are an excellent way to gather valuable information about what players think about your server. They can include various questions about the gameplay on the server, administration, and management, the implementation of new ideas, and so on.

In addition to surveys, voting can also be helpful if you want things to be a bit more democratic.

Compile Statistics

By creating well-crafted statistics, you can understand key elements of the game or your players on your server. It can be based on a survey where you ask players more personal questions. For example, what's their favorite game genre, what games they like to play, what games they've played before, and so on.

I strongly recommend that when creating a survey or gathering statistics, you keep players' anonymity confidental unless you truly need to know which player provided an opinion!

Don't Be Afraid to Experiment

If your server doesn't have a large player base, it might be a good idea to experiment and see what would be well-received. Don't be afraid to do it because it's one of the best ways to find out if your idea would be liked.